“In 2016 I purchased a farm in England and created the World’s first certified Carbon-Neutral honey farm. We won awards for our ethical and environmental policies and positive impact to the environment.

I care deeply about the impact we make on our planet. However, I recognise the challenges involved with international travel. The below details my and my team’s approach to preserving and protecting sustainability.

  1. I continue to offer virtual services, and have made significant investment into online learning and development solutions.

  2. Where electric vehicles are available for taxis and transfers, these are always our first choice.

  3. For all unavoidable flights, we participate in Carbon Neutral/Carbon Offsetting programs.

  4. In almost all circumstances, I do not travel with checked-in luggage, and maintain very light carried luggage.

  5. We actively use recycled and reusable items.

  6. For accommodation, I never request room service or towel changes for my stays shorter than 1 week, and we actively participate in Carbon Neutral/Carbon Offsetting programs.