In this 60 Minute Mini Masterclass we’ll explore practical, real-world, proven strategies to manage time and workloads, as well as how to change your response to deadlines and tasks, with clear methods that are simple to master giving you more available time.


  • In this 60 Minute Mini Masterclass, on a topic very close to my heart, I’m sharing strategies I’ve personally used, and trained to hundreds of high performing teams, to maximise their time for maximum productivity and minimum stress.

    The core principles of effective time management are practical and simple to apply to any environment, in any industry.

    Most people are very good at managing money, so they can pay rent, buy food and pay bills.

    But when it comes to time… deadlines are missed; things left to the last minute; they run late; feel overwhelmed with workloads; are easily distracted, and just don’t get done what they want to.

    Managing our time is a key skill everyone should master.

    In this Mini Masterclass you will learn how to do just that.

    Available whenever and wherever you want to watch on any device with data/internet connection.

  • Tips, tricks and effective strategies that make everything quicker, easier and less stressful.

    My ‘Get It Done’ to-do list - a special to-do list designed to actually get things done available to download.

    Simple tips for managing email, telephone, texts and demands for your time based on other people’s schedules.

    A revolutionary way of thinking of time and how we prioritise things to get them done.

    21 years of training experience in your pocket!

    Works on any mobile device or computer.

Brilliant! It was really good to take an hour out and listen to Jez talk objectively about a subject that matters to us all.
— Peter